在今年2月的MWC(世界移动通信大会)上,华为发布了性能卓越的MateBook X Pro,该产品自问世以来可谓是备受业界关注,并赢得了国内外媒体的众多赞誉。4月12日,该机在国内正式发布,短短五天时间便在京东创下十一万预约量!4月18日10:08,该机在华为商城、华为京东自营官方旗舰店、天猫华为官方旗舰店、华为苏宁易购官方旗舰店以及华为体验店、华为授权店等线下门店火爆开售,售价7988元起。
近日,权威媒体Windows Central通过详细评测,并将华为MateBook X Pro与戴尔XPS 13作对比,并认为这是两款目前市面上最优秀的超轻薄笔记本的终极对决。
今年,我们留意并测试了不少优质笔记本电脑,其中,戴尔的新款XPS 13 9370和华為の新款MateBook X Pro兩款蛤壳式筆記本電腦表現尤為突出。兩款產品均為輕薄專業性能本,功能強大,可隨時處理身邊的一切工作。如果你最近考慮新入手一台筆記本電腦,這二者中任意一款都是不錯選擇,在此,我會幫助你細化對比內容。
戴爾XPS 13與華為MateBook X Pro對比:技術規格
戴爾XPS 13與華為MateBook X Pro對比:設計與特點
戴爾新款XPS 13 的設計與最新一代9360類似,但是卻更纖薄,有新的金白相間配色,以及新的接口型號,而且隔熱降溫效果更好。底盤材質仍然是鋁,但如果選擇白色版則可以選擇玻璃布掌托。總體來看,這台筆記本厚度低於0.5英寸,而重量大約2.67磅,比華為 MateBook X Pro 更輕薄。
華為 MateBook X Pro 這台筆記本外觀靚麗,有著經典銀色的機身,並且有著特殊配置,即扬声器设置在键盘边缘。而這兩台筆記本都有背光鍵盤,不論打字體驗都非常佳,其間距距離完美。如果你經常打字,那麼任一個模型都不錯選擇。
电源按钮中内置指纹识别器。此外,它們皆設有USB-C接口,而Dell's new model has two Thunderbolt3 ports, while Huawei's one port is more limited.
华为 Matebook x pro 有一个高分辨率触摸屏,为3K分辨率,这使得它具有更多垂直像素。
Dell’s screen resolution is lower, but it still offers good color accuracy and a comfortable viewing experience.
Both models use the same Intel Core i7 processor.
However, the Huawei Matebook x pro has an NVIDIA MX150 graphics card for better performance in gaming and multimedia tasks.
Battery life:
The Huawei Matebook x pro can last up to ten hours on a single charge.
The Dell model lasts around eight hours on a single charge with its FHD display.
对于喜爱Windows系统笔记本的人而言,有Dell's latest offering and Huawei's Matebook x pro two options available is truly fortunate. Both are excellent choices, depending on your specific needs and preferences. If you want exceptional graphics capabilities, then the Huawei model will be hard to beat. And if you prefer a higher-resolution screen with more vertical pixels, then the Dell option might be more appealing to you.
So there you have it - both laptops offer great value for their respective prices.
But let me ask you this:
Do these two laptops really justify their price tags?
In other words:
Are they worth spending over $1k?