

本次活动由大厂回族自治县文化广电和旅游局、世纪金源·域见颐和主办,北京演出娱乐行业协会指导,北京星珵文化传播有限公司承办,新丝路(北京)超模学院、北文时代艺术教育基地协办,北京模特艺术发展促进会支持,中模体育有限公司、芳华无龄、楚和听香、碧水澜、idol lady、玖明文化等品牌全程合作与助力,这标志着文旅地产与时尚的又一次全新对话展开。

实景国风沉浸式体验 撞见多元化文娱生活 这是一场集文化、艺术、时尚和文旅地产于一体的盛宴,不仅是对于“国潮”的一个新的解读,更是对东方传统文化的一次深刻致敬。舞台上,一场穿越时空的实景国风沉浸式体验之旅在世纪金源·域见颐和上演。

重磅嘉宾致辞 揭示多彩文娱生活重要性 参加活动的大量领导嘉宾,对本次大赛寄予了高度期望,他们代表各个行业共同见证了这一具有历史意义的时刻,其中包括李建军、大厂回族自治县副县长;王立新,大厂回族自治县文化广电和旅游局局长;田娟,大厂回自治区文化广电旅游局副局长;刘万平, 世纪金源集团腾云华力平台公司总经理;赵宠钦, 域见颐项目公司总经理;孙哲坤, 腾云华力平台副总经理兼首席运营官马瑞,以及其他众多知名人士。


全国首场海选落地世纪金源·域見頡 和 当天下午,本届“domain sees the elegant and refined” 2023 fashion model competition officially kicked off in the Century Golden Source · Domain Sees the Elegant and Refined community within the drama cultural town. This marked the beginning of a four-month long exciting event.

The competition attracted numerous participants from all over China, who showcased their talents in various aspects such as modeling, dancing, singing and more. The judges were impressed by their performances and praised them for their unique styles.

According to Sun Zhe Kun, one of the organizers of this event: “This is a new milestone for our company in terms of integrating culture with real estate development. We are committed to preserving and promoting Chinese traditional culture through our projects."

In addition to these activities, there were also movie screenings held throughout the duration of this event. These screenings allowed people to experience different cultures while enjoying good movies.

Overall this was an exciting event that brought together people from all walks of life under one roof. It provided a platform for artists to showcase their talents while also educating people about different cultures and traditions.

As quoted by Sun Zhe Kun during his speech at the opening ceremony: "We hope that through this activity we can give older adults more opportunities to express themselves on stage."

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