THE WOOLMARK COMPANY x長作棟梁上海时装周联合发布设计师合作

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2016年10月13日,THE WOOLMARK COMPANY x長作棟梁合作系列将于2017春夏上海时装周期间的LABELHOOD先锋时装艺术节正式发布。

(Oct 13, 2016, Shanghai) — The Woolmark Companywill unveil its Cool Wool collaboration with Dongliang at the LABELHOOD Pioneer Fashion Arts Festival as part of 2017 S/S Shanghai Fashion Week, on October 13th. The initiative highlights the trans-seasonal qualities of Merino wool and empowers designers with first-hand knowledge of raw material provenance, fabric development and technical innovation, to imbue the creative process with greater inspiration.

長作棟梁,作为一家“离设计师最近”的店,此次携手六位优秀的中国独立设计师与THE WOOLMARK COMPANY合作,希望从更深层次去推动设计师在设计和生产上的进步,从原料、面料上去给设计师以新的灵感和启发。THE WOOLMARK COMPANY作为羊毛面料最高的品质保证,更是让这次的合作充满不可估量的意义。

Dongliang, a multi-brand concept store known for championing hip local fashion labels, will present six talented independent designers’ work for the Cool Wool collaboration. They include SHUSHU/TONG, XU ZHI, YIRANTIAN, BOUNDLESS, BAN XIAOXUE and BABYGHOST, each designer created their own unique fashion interpretations using Cool Wool fabrics. The aim was to showcase the fabric’s natural qualities and modern functionality – from breathability, temperature regulation, softness, odour resistance, elasticity, UV protection, fire resistance, to versatility and elegance.

The show will also preview signature pieces with customisable details, demonstrating how Cool Wool fabrics can be suited for any season, place or occasion.

As the global authority on wool, The Woolmark Company educates, inspires and connects designers through the natural benefits and versatility of Australian Merino Wool.

The Woolmark Company大中华及亚洲新市场执行副总裁、中国区总经理马捷先生表示:“我们很高兴和入选BoF500的时尚零售先驱長作棟梁合作。本次合作是酷羊毛品牌首次与中国设计师合作,我们为能和長作棟梁这样的先锋零售平台合作而感到骄傲。同时,这也标志着我们的战略转向寻求更多联合品牌,从设计师主导的市场中寻找提高澳大利亚美丽诺羊毛需求量的机会。“

“We are excited to partner with Dongliang, a leading voice of fashion retail and BoF500 finalist. This collaboration marks the inaugural Cool Wool designer collaboration in China, and we are proud to support local design talent through a pioneering retail platform like Dongliang. It also accentuates a shift in our strategy towards more co-branding opportunities to increase Merino wool demand in designer-led initiatives.” Said Jeff Ma, The WoolmarkCompany Country Manager China and Executive Vice President Marketing Greater China Developing Markets Asia.

通过六个极具影响力的中国独立设计师品牌(SHUSHU/TONG、XU ZHI、YIRANTIAN、没边/BOUNDLESS、BANXIAOXUE、BABYGHOST)对于COOL WOOL酷羊毛面料的多种诠释,让大众对COOL WOOL酷羊毛的功能(透气性、体温调节、柔软细致、吸湿排汗、富有弹性、紫外线防护与阻燃性、多用途、永恒优雅)有着全新的认识。本次合作系列中,六位设计师将COOL WOOL酷羊毛特性通过独具创意的设计转变为时髦单品,让消费者拥有多样风格加以选择的同时,亦感受到COOL WOOL酷羊毛跨季、跨地域、跨的全天候多功能优越性。


The collection will be available in store at Dongliang Shanghai and HUG Chengdu from February 2017 onwards.

系列主– “球旅行”(GLOBETROTTING):

Collection Theme – Globetrotting

在此次合作中,六位独具个性的时尚设计师将以球旅行”(GLOBETROTTING)为主题:无论是长途跋涉还是短途旅行,每一次出行都能带来不同的启发和灵感,穿戴COOL WOOL酷羊毛面料的衣物,能让穿着者随时拥有轻松舒适的状态去捕捉和记录每一个陌生又珍贵的旅行时刻。

Globetrotting with Cool Wool: Be it a long voyage or short excursion, every journey brings a new wave of inspiration. Cool Wool is the traveller’s secret weapon to staying comfortable while looking stylish, so they are ready to face the world no matter where their adventure takes them.

设计师及系列介:Introduction to the designers and collection



Designers: Jiang Yutong and Lei Liushu. The brand deconstructs and reassembles a blend of classical Chinese aesthetics and London street culture. Their collections embody fresh inspiration, skilled craftsmanship, distinctive fabrics and plenty of special features to express a new perspective on women’s street style.


100%澳大利亚美丽诺羊毛,纱织Nm. 2/76 赛络纺,重量140 g/m²;


2. 100%澳大利亚美丽诺羊毛,细度17.5µm,重量260g/m%;江苏阳光集团

1. 100% Australian Merino Wool, yarn-dyed Nm. 2/76 Siro spinning, weight 140 g/m²;


2. 100% Australian Merino wool, fineness 17.5μm, weight 260g/m²;

Jiangsu Sunshine Group

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